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Students get the quintessential college experience at Indiana University Bloomington, one of America’s leading research universities.

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Apply to Indiana University Bloomington! Tell us who you are, and we’ll show you how to submit your application.

Indiana University Bloomington

We look forward to working with you to make your academic and professional aspirations possible. Sign in with your username and password below. First time here?

Students get the quintessential college experience at Indiana University Bloomington, one of America’s leading research universities.

How to Apply – Admissions: Indiana

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Indiana University Graduate CAS | Applicant Login Page Section

Liaison International, Centralized Application Service

Now is the time to start your journey at IU South Bend. Application, tuition, financial aid, student housing. We’ll help you every step of the way.


Sign In | Indiana University

Earn a respected Indiana University degree that will open doors and set you apart—all at a price you can manage. IU student during commencement, wearing a cap …

Indiana University South Bend

Indiana University East leads the region as the premier four-year and master’s public institution in eastern Indiana and western Ohio.

Now is the time to start your journey at IU South Bend. Application, tuition, financial aid, student housing. We’ll help you every step of the way.

Indiana University Northwest: IUN

IUN – Indiana University Northwest

Indiana University East

Indiana University East leads the region as the premier four-year and master’s public institution in eastern Indiana and western Ohio.

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